Turmeric, these days is always in the news for a cure of something. Turmeric is the yellow powdery spice that is very popular in Middle East and Asia. I recommended Turmeric to one of my friends for Chronic headache and she said she is cured. She used to take some kind of medication and she stopped taking them. Buy pure Turmeric Powder (Not Curry. Although curry is very good for other things) and dissolve 1/2 tea-spoon in warm water and drink. Off-course you can add Turmeric like pepper when preparing many meats, chickens, fish and vegetable dishes. Tumeric has
antiseptic properties and it is good for many cancers, prostate, arthritis, diabetes, and gout. Numerous studies have demonstrated that turmeric is capable of inhibiting the formation and development of cancerous tumours. Turmeric not only restricts the growth of existing tumours, but-according to results obtained from research projects sponsored by the American Institute for Cancer Research, also prevents certain cancers such as stomach, colon, breast, and skin cancer.