Trapezoid vs Triangle
In 1972, Sweden's National Board of Health and Welfare developed the idea of "basic foods" that were both cheap and nutritious, and "supplemental foods" that added nutrition missing from the basic foods. The National Board's "dietary circle," was a cake divided into seven slices, but not indicating how much of each food should be eaten.
Then they suggested a triangle displaying basic foods at the base. The first food pyramid, was introduced to the public in 1974 in Vi magazine. The pyramid was divided into basic foods at the base, including milk, cheese, margarine, bread, cereals and potatoes; a section of supplemental vegetables and fruit; and an apex of supplemental meat, fish and eggs.
The Food pyramids were developed in other Scandinavian countries, as well as West Germany, Japan and Sri-Lanka.
In 1989, the World Health Organization, in conjunction with the Food and Agriculture Organization, published guidelines to prevent obesity, chronic diseases and dental caries based on meta-analysis as a table rather than a "pyramid". The structure was similar in some respects to the USDA food pyramid.
A food guide pyramid is a triangular or pyramid-shaped nutrition guide divided into sections to show the recommended intake for each food group. The most widely known food pyramid was introduced by the United States Department of Agriculture in 1992. Then it was updated in 2005, and then replaced in 2011. Over 25 other countries and organizations have also published food pyramids
I like to see we replace the food triangle with a trapezoid. The truncation of the top of the triangle; therefore making it into a trapezoid, will be of the fats and oils. The reason being that the body will have it's recommended healthy doses of fats and oils from eating foods from other healthy recommended foods in the trapezoid.
I chose the new food trapezoid because it will not be a drastic change from the triangle one.
Here are the breakdown of the new food trapezoid.
Base: Water and exercise and fresh clean air(bigger portion)
Second layer from bottom: Fresh vegetables and fruits(preferably low glycemic vegetables and fruits)
Third layer from bottom: lean proteins, dairy, butter, and not cooked oils(nuts and seeds, lean animal protein, fish, healthy fats, such as avocados, and extra virgin olive oil)
last layer on top: Whole-grains breads, cereals and pastas, Beans and legumes. (lesser portion)
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ABC signs of a healthy person!
When my parents used to go to the Doctor; the doctor would look at them and take their heart beat from their pulse, and he knew what was wrong with them. I think the doctor mostly would deduce his findings from their physical presence. The following are some of the attributes of a healthy person. You can find the reasons and cures for all these items in this blog now or in the future.
- Eyes should be shiny and the whites should be white.
- Hair should be shiny.
- Nails should be without white spots, smooth and strong.
- When openning and closing the mouth one should not hear a click.
- When you get up in the morning, your body should be rested and not in pain.
- You should not get up with a headache.
- You should not be tired all the time.
- You should be able to sleep very well at night.
- You have to eliminate at least once a day(some say three times!!).The eliminations have to stay on top of the water, not to sink in the bottom. It should be thick and not cut up in very small pieces.
- The color of your urine should be light, clear and not cloudy. (If you have certain foods or vitamins, the strong urine color is normal when you eat these foods)
- The color of your tongue should be a nice flesh color red.
- You should not have dark colors under your eyes.
- You should not get irritated very easily.
BMI Calculator
BMI stands for Body Mass Index. It measures the ratio of one's body weight to their height. It also tries to give an idea of the amount of body fat a person has. Two people can have the same BMI but different levels of body fat(because Muscle weighs more than fat). A high percentage of body fat increases the chances of heart disease, Type II diabetes, and cancers.